I wanted to open this piece by writing about my first ever gig and how I got to where I am now, but honestly, I can't remember my first gig. Possibly something like The Wurzels in the small Somerset village I grew up in, but it's hard to pick it out amongst the sea of live music I have seen throughout my 25 years.

I'm very fortunate to have grown up in a family where music has been, and continues to be taken very seriously. My dad always boasted his mountains of CDs, iPod albums, and carefully crafted playlists of every single genre under the sun, radiating from his car stereo, which now pours from his Alexa whenever I visit. Not to mention my older brother, who's 'teenage phase' was reflected by his bedroom wall being meticulously plastered with rock posters throughout my childhood, and who still makes sure to send me his favourite songs weekly. There's so much more I could mention if I were to root around in my memories for long enough, and I will most likely share in future posts, but it's evident to me that I have been lovingly and deliberately moulded to be one of those 'I listen to everything' people, and truly mean it.
I began attending festivals with my family at the age of eleven , which immediately opened up a whole new world of what music really means to me and to others. Before I even reached my teenage years, I had countless gigs under my belt.
I wish I could tell you everyone I saw at that age, what songs they played, and how they performed, but all I can really share is how those experiences made me feel. The feeling of being surrounded by strangers, yet you're all connected for that fleeting moment. The feeling of the sun shining on your face as you watch someone pour their heart out on stage. The feeling of jumping, and singing, and dancing around with those that you love - there is nothing comparable to it.

Since that seed was sown, it has been planting it's roots into who I am today and continues to bloom. I am so grateful to say I have spent over half my life basking in the glory of music; from renowned festivals, to small gigs at my local pub. All I ever want to do is capture these moments. Whether that be with my words or my camera, and My Favourite Frequencies is the hub for this.
So, if you're as passionate about music as I am, especially in the Bristol area, stick around! There's so much more to come.
